Hi there! I’m Geoffrey =]
[interaction designer]
Speculative design concept
Create prototypes for an exhibition
User Research with interviews and focus groups
Co-authored academic paper
Lead the transition of their Network Management Portal
Conduct user research and usability tests
Create hi-fi prototypes
Lead automation transition for E-commerce project
Promoted and connected to new clients
Develop and finalise 4 new partnering companies
Created promotional strategies, increased sales
Created and initialised new business strategies
Maintain CI Test rigs and optimising CI chain
Developed test cases with vTestStudio and CANoe
Developed tools to help another team with database issues
Initiated and facilated team’s practices in SAFe
2021 — 2023
Interaction Design & Technologies
Chalmers University of Technology
Master of Science · Software Engineering
2015 — 2018
Software Engineering & Management
University of Gothenburg
Batchelor of Science · Software Engineering